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-2+ Incredible Girls&#-2+; Names Beginning With I

08 Oct 2023 100

There are hundreds of wonderful baby girl names that start with I out there, and we've been on a search to gather together a  baby name list with 93 of our favourites.

There is a huge choice of baby girl names out there - you might be looking for traditional girls' names, or wanting baby names that are more unique. This list of I names for girls has a bit of everything, from super short baby names like Ida and Iza to perennial favourite girls' names like Isabella and Imogen.

If you ask us, the best baby girl names are like the best baby names all around. They're the ones that suit you and your baby girl. Every family will have different taste in baby names because every family is different. For many parents, being on a search for the perfect baby name for your little girl can take some time. There are so many names out there, from familiar favourite baby girls' names like Isabel and Irene to unique girl names starting with the letter I like Ilyssa and Ingelise. The search for a baby name can be rewarding, exciting, joyful and, let's face it, occasionally a little scary. After all, you're choosing the name your baby girl will be bearing all her life, whether she's introducing herself at nursery or signing the paperwork for her promotion. There are so many brilliant baby names out there, it can be hard to know which one to pick. That's why we've pulled together this list of incredible girl names that start with I to help you on your search for the perfect name for your baby girl.

-2+ Incredible Girls&#-2+; Names Beginning With I

Ishtar (Assyrian): Babylonian goddess of love, war and fertility.

Isis (Greek, Egyptian): the Greek name of the Egyptian goddess of fertility, motherhood and magic.

Igraine(English): the mother of Arthur in the Arthurian legends.